

#30 [en] 

TPM are no longer with us, and they have not won any OP battles (apart from a contraversial one that we will not go into here). I myself in the past have attempted to use 3rd party software to control my alts but as I was made aware this is against the rules I halted my attempts.

I am still indirectly accused of botting because I use alts to dig. I dont care. Noone in this thread has accused you of being a bot driven alt, Amnesia. Im sorry you have been accused of that just as I am sorry I have been accused of botting, but these are personal issues and are unrelated to this topic, as is TPM since they are inactive.


#31 [en] 

YOU know i'm not an ALT, but believe me when i say that i have been accused of being an alt and controlled by some program outside of Ryzom. Not once or twice. So every time this comes up i defend myself and others that are actual players and not alts. Neither Yaka nor Nitrouss has 8-9 Alts as the original post was saying " Being targeted by more than 8 and blasted all at once. So that is saying that all those are ALTs. So Yaka and 4 Alts is 5 than the other 3+ who are players are being called ALTs now.

#32 [en] 

Okay, Yaka + 4 alts = 5, PLUS 2 or 3 actual TI members who he is using as heal bots. = 7-8

#33 [en] 

At the most recent OP battle Yakapo was controlling himself and 7 other characters. If he does not have 7 alts then he is using other peoples, but for the purposes of the main complaint (3rd party software to control many characters at once) they will be referred to as his alts.


#34 [en] 

What makes you think he is controlling those others as well? He was accused to controll me too when i was using the above mentioned macro and was too busy fighting instead of replying to tells that kept popping up asking if i was real or alt. I got so many at once of those tells that i just ignored them. So does that make me an Alt now?

#35 [en] 

3 seperate OP battles on the same night. 4 hours of non stop fighting. Those characters all moved on top of each other following him. They moved as one for the entire duration. Several times when I would attack one of Yakapos alts they would all target me simultaneously and I would instantly die. This kind of coordination can be a coincidence once or twice, but not repeatedly. There is no doubt by anyone on the Kara side of this battle that at very least Yakapo and Nitrouss were using 3rd party software to control several characters. It was with the use of these 2 groups that TI were able to win the battles. Without them the Karavan side had the upper hand. This is not the first OP this has been seen to happen at.

We are not simply complaining for the sake of it, or because we were defeated. We are complaining because our tickets have been ignored and TI continue to use this advantage to control every battle.

I want to see a response. What do we need to do to get the CSR's to take this seriously?


#36 [en] 

You need undeniable proof of your claim.

If i'm having let's say 2 PCS and jamming (repeatedly pressing) the key assigned to the above mentioned macro than me and my alt will seem to be what you call Yaka's Alt. ie. Both of my toons will follow him around like a puppy, adn when he targets someone i target and fire too.

See the flaw in your claim? Just because you see them follow him everywhere and target at the same time as he and his alts don't make my 2 toons his alt being controlled by 3rd party software.

But so far all i seen was accusation not a single shred of proof was presented.

Tell you what. You present undeniable proof here on the forums and make a poll to take whatever action, and get votes. If your proof is undeniable i'm sure lot's of Kamis will vote for taking action and that includs me. But the proof have to be solid and undeniable. Till than it's just talk and can be proven the opposit of your accusation.

#37 [en] 

You know, i often use the macro above mentioned in OP battles because like that it's a nobrainer and while the OP battle is going on i can watch a movie or 2 and just have to keep pressing the button on the key-borad(s)

#38 [en] 

I am calling for a public response from the CSR team on the issue of 3rd party software being used in OP battles to control alts.

The questions at hand are: Is this a violation of the rules? Will action be taken against those who violate the rule if one still exists? What evidence and how much of it must be provided for such action to be taken?

If the CSR team will not provide answers to these questions or will not take action I would ask that the rule be abolished so that both factions can abuse the use of alts/account sharing and 3rd party software so that at least we have a fighting chance to defend ourselves before more players are lost.


#39 [en] 

you're denying what you know to be the truth and many kami's would not vote fairly, obviously including you. Evidence has been presented to the CSRs, there is no need for a kami jury to decide on the matter.

#40 [en] 

Just admit it there is NO evidence. Just talk. What makes you think i can't vote fairly? Just because you can't it don't mean others can't. And nobody said that ONLY Kamis would be voting....

If your clains are true, and Karas would have had the upper hand that means there are more Karas than Kamis, are you afraid that if it came down to it your "evidence" would not hold?

#41 [en] 


Last edited by Ciliana (1 decade ago) | Reason: nvm

#42 [en] 

The only flaw in my claim is that you expect undeniable proof to be presented publicly before you will acknowledge the existance of a valid claim.

The simple fact is that you are biased in this subject or else you would have stopped arguing and accepted that we asking for a CSR response. Giving you personally no room to argue with the claim will not achieve anything. We need results and you cannot provide them. Once the CSR team states here what exactly we need to provide with our tickets for some sort of investigation or action to be taken we will do it.

If there is no possible way to prove the use of 3rd party software that would be sufficient enough to warrant action, we should all be made aware of this so that we can all abuse it. Simply ignoring our tickets, screenshots, fraps and refusing to attend an OP to see for themselves is just not good enough.


#43 [en] 

I can tell you some of things right here.... Fuzzyfeet is Khandoma's Alt, Keeblerelf is Yaka's wife and Monje is a different player altogether.... So those aren't "Bots". The Proof you provided prooves the opposite of what you claim sorry.

#44 [en] 

You seem to be getting thicker. it doesn't matter if these are not Yakapo's and Nitrouss' alt accounts, just that they are account sharing and USING these toons as their healbots.

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