

#21 [en] 

---- removed off topic

Last edited by Amnesia(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#22 [en] 

when you were kara for 5 minutes and had a bad experience because you joined up with players who are now in TI?

#23 [en] 

-----removed off topic

Last edited by Amnesia(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#24 [en] 

----removed off topic

Last edited by Amnesia(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#25 [en] 

Stop this nonsense! Grow up! Both of you!

#26 [en] 

This is not a "Kami is best, Kara is best" topic. This is a specific complaint about the rules of the game being broken and the gained advantage being used by one specific guild to control the outcome of every battle and directly control the ownership of OP's.

The CSR's have shown a complete unwillingness to enforce this particular rule. Turning the forum topic into a flamefest will not make the issue go away. Either contribute or do not, but so far all you have said is: "They could be other players using assist and follow", "Karavans do it too", "Karavans only ever complain", "Kamis good Karavans bad".

If you are trolling in an attempt to get this thread deleted, please stop. Either contribute to the topic or stay out of it.


#27 [en] 

I'm sure we wouldnt speak ill being on the winning side with all the bots. Must be really fun over there.

Agoraphobia, you'll probably go kami and be on the cheating side anyways, but please stay out of what you don't understand yet.

#28 [en] 

I agree Beffie.

When TPM was around did the exact same thing and also other things such as having a member not tag up and others target off of him. That is worst.

I apologise for trying to defend myself by being called Yaka's Alt several times.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Amnesia(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#29 [en] 

Amnesia, no one is saying you're an alt, or all kami's are alts. We all know who the alts are and it's not about alts, its about botting and 3rd party programs. Something something darkside...

Last edited by Crailus (1 decade ago) | Reason: removed direct accusations.

#30 [en] 

TPM are no longer with us, and they have not won any OP battles (apart from a contraversial one that we will not go into here). I myself in the past have attempted to use 3rd party software to control my alts but as I was made aware this is against the rules I halted my attempts.

I am still indirectly accused of botting because I use alts to dig. I dont care. Noone in this thread has accused you of being a bot driven alt, Amnesia. Im sorry you have been accused of that just as I am sorry I have been accused of botting, but these are personal issues and are unrelated to this topic, as is TPM since they are inactive.


#31 [en] 

YOU know i'm not an ALT, but believe me when i say that i have been accused of being an alt and controlled by some program outside of Ryzom. Not once or twice. So every time this comes up i defend myself and others that are actual players and not alts. Neither Yaka nor Nitrouss has 8-9 Alts as the original post was saying " Being targeted by more than 8 and blasted all at once. So that is saying that all those are ALTs. So Yaka and 4 Alts is 5 than the other 3+ who are players are being called ALTs now.

#32 [en] 

Okay, Yaka + 4 alts = 5, PLUS 2 or 3 actual TI members who he is using as heal bots. = 7-8

#33 [en] 

At the most recent OP battle Yakapo was controlling himself and 7 other characters. If he does not have 7 alts then he is using other peoples, but for the purposes of the main complaint (3rd party software to control many characters at once) they will be referred to as his alts.


#34 [en] 

What makes you think he is controlling those others as well? He was accused to controll me too when i was using the above mentioned macro and was too busy fighting instead of replying to tells that kept popping up asking if i was real or alt. I got so many at once of those tells that i just ignored them. So does that make me an Alt now?

#35 [en] 

3 seperate OP battles on the same night. 4 hours of non stop fighting. Those characters all moved on top of each other following him. They moved as one for the entire duration. Several times when I would attack one of Yakapos alts they would all target me simultaneously and I would instantly die. This kind of coordination can be a coincidence once or twice, but not repeatedly. There is no doubt by anyone on the Kara side of this battle that at very least Yakapo and Nitrouss were using 3rd party software to control several characters. It was with the use of these 2 groups that TI were able to win the battles. Without them the Karavan side had the upper hand. This is not the first OP this has been seen to happen at.

We are not simply complaining for the sake of it, or because we were defeated. We are complaining because our tickets have been ignored and TI continue to use this advantage to control every battle.

I want to see a response. What do we need to do to get the CSR's to take this seriously?



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