

#132 [en] 

You get your panties in a wad whenever you start losing outposts, or die in PR, or lose in PvP, or in any situation where you don't win. You act no better than spoiled, self-absorbed, entitled children who can't accept that you're not always the best at everything. In that light, when it's not possible for someone to be "better" than you, anyone who DOES happen to beat you must be cheating. Get over yourselves.

Interesting response. I would like to point out that you are directing this at an entire faction and condemning our concerns as nonsense because of something you may have read from someone else in the past. I did not start this thread but I clearly stated my specific concerns, and what I wanted which was clarification from CSR's throughout my posts.

You would do well to keep your head in the future. I have been repeatedly trolled and flamed for voicing my concerns and have not trolled, flamed or harrassed anyone in return. Outbursts like your previous posts and Amnesias most recent post really say more about yourselves than the people they are directed at. If you are going to use real life similes like reasonable doubt in a murder trial, your comments here can be likened to a series of offensive racial slurs.

In the future if you are going to respond to my posts, please do so without your prejudice against my faction and read my words as they are written, not as you think they might be intended.


#133 [en] 

All of these things help the advanced player significantly speed up activities, and could be seen by the unwashed masses of mouth-breathing keyboard-turners as God-like synchronization that must be illegal.

You're argument is invalid.


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#134 [en] 

No matter how many PC's and how much you spend on them you can only press keys on so many keyboards at once without growing extra arms.

I once again, stand corrected.


#135 [en] 

not really on topic, but I dont see how they could prove it after thinking about it. the only way they could is to put in something that monitors what keys you physiccally hit on your keyboard and I am pretty sure that is illegal. as it could be used to find out all sorts of things I dont want them knowing, such as passwords to other things.

#136 [en] 

It would be a simple matter to check server logs to determine if all the characters shown to be following one player were each logged in from seperate IP's, and if they are the same as the IP's those accounts are regularly logged from.

Not completely fool-proof but its one way.

Anyway, I will bow out of this thread now as the original point has been addressed, Mokoi has responded, and the argument seems to pretty much have been put to rest. I am satisfied that my claims of cheating could very well have been wrong, and I apologise. I hope its enough for everyone else who is concerned as well.

Last edited by Beeficus (1 decade ago)


#137 [en] 

It would be a simple matter to check server logs to determine if all the characters shown to be following one player were each logged in from seperate IP's, and if they are the same as the IP's those accounts are regularly logged from.

Not completely fool-proof but its one way.

And what about my House where my Wife and Sister log in from?

Last edited by Yakapo (1 decade ago)


#138 [en] 

Yakapo is my brother, and i play on my laptop from his house quite often, does that mean that i shouldn't be able to dig with my CP slave and Yakapo and Keeblerelf doing things aswell? What about when my niece plays on her toon? This isn't a full-proof system and could be easily mistaken.


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#139 [en] 

It would be a simple matter to check server logs to determine if all the characters shown to be following one player were each logged in from seperate IP's, and if they are the same as the IP's those accounts are regularly logged from.

Not completely fool-proof but its one way.

hmm suppose so, if they did a long term trend. I actually do have RL friends who play that I go visit and play on my lappy sometimes

#140 [en] 


*laugh* That thread was a fun read on the EVE-O forums. It was blown out of proportion even more than this one, though there the crying there tended to be a slightly higher level. Thanks for reminding me of that picture =)


You can detect key-sharing software, though the inherent latency between France and the civilized world does make it difficult. For a botting program to be sufficiently random to evade detection, it would have to become at least equal, but likely inferior, to human behaviour. Then it's less of a problem and more like something to ridicule, since you might as well do it yourself at that point.

And WoW's Warden shows that companies can put quite a lot into software as long as you agree to install it. For better or worse. They would need to be VERY certain they only touch data related to their game and enforcing specifics about their acceptable use policies to avoid lawsuits.

If such detection doesn't exist for Ryzom already, developers would need to discuss the benefits of such functionality versus the cost of development time, and decide if it's worth implementing. Or, just come up with a way to receive the same benefits of outposts yet not pit player vs player, since it seems some just can't handle that kind of pressure.

(stuff about client IP addresses)

That would really only address account sharing, a completely different topic than your drama thread, and not very well. But boy howdy would THAT be enlightening (on both sides) =)

#141 [en] 

(hmm, quickly, before Lili invalidates my argument again)

Beeficus, in the future, if you are going to make a post, please refrain from bring the same old drama to this forum time and time again. If you can come up with something new and invigorating, that would be a refreshing change and something worthy of reading, but repeatedly crying about the same topics, generally pvp-related, again and again is old. Even my foray into this thread, intended to be fun, is less enjoyable and more like having to smack the animal because it peed on the floor.

You yourself admitted that you were trying to publicly force the CSRs to bend to your will by raising this drama thread. You weren't asking for clarification until after the drama explosion you were seeking, which still didn't work. In the future, if you are going to make a post, please refrain from doing this. You would also do well to remember that saying the same false thing over and over again doesn't suddenly make it true.

So certain of TI's guilt were you, yet you backed down instantly after learning a tactic they use. Maybe you can take that tactic (and other related things) and perform better at future battles. In the future, if you are going to make a post and your intent is to learn new tactics, just ask instead of trying to start drama.

Cooperation is how enjoyment of the game rises. When you don't know something, you ask and learn. You would do well to remember that there is always someone out there who knows something you do not, and to accept that maybe, just maybe, you're not number one.

You would also do well to follow your own advice, and not put words in my (or anyone else's) mouth. "In the future if you are going to respond to my posts, please read my words as they are written, not as you think they might be intended".

Perhaps you'd stop hemorrhaging guild members and officers, and perhaps other guilds would be more inclined to work with you, if you treated them like equals, and fellow players, rather than subjects to carry out your whims who dare not question your actions and decisions or suggest that you do anything differently. People don't take kindly to attempts at manipulation, such as the way you've attempted to manipulate the CSRs and other posters in this thread. People also like to think that their questions, comments, and concerns are listened to, instead of ignored.

Now, all that aside, you know what TI wants? They may not tell you this, but from the time that I spend around them and talking with them, they want fun and exciting battles. Do you know the two battles I've heard them nerdgasming over the most? The loss at Ginti and when you guys pushed Loria to a defense. Your initial push at Loria was awesome, but then you fell apart.

People who PvP because they enjoy it like to win, sure, but more important is the battle itself, regardless of who wins or loses. A loss in a well-fought game is far more enjoyable than curb-stomping your opponent. It wouldn't surprise me if Yaka told you what he did because he wanted you guys to try to improve a little bit, to make it a little more exciting for everyone. (Some people like the added challenge of controlling multiple characters, and the extra rush it causes, and some don't)

It's a game, it's meant to be something fun and enjoyable. It's not a job, it's not something that will raise or lower oil prices around the world. It's not something you get your knickers in a bunch over. Lose the sense of entitlement, lose the "uptightness", and play the game as a game, something you win sometimes and something you lose sometimes, but the overall goal is to just have fun.

#142 [en] 

Erizon, sorry didnt read, dont want to argue anymore hence bowing out of the thread.

Lil, Yaka, I did say it wasnt fool-proof, just offered Garla one possibility. Wasnt suggesting that should be the sole way to determine use of 3rd party software. Your explanations did satisfy me and I wont bring this subject up again.


#143 [en] 

While Yakapo's explanation doesn't explain every suspicious encounter I've had with him or seen, I'll accept it and drop the topic now.

#144 [en] 

Now, all that aside, you know what TI wants? They may not tell you this, but from the time that I spend around them and talking with them, they want fun and exciting battles. Do you know the two battles I've heard them nerdgasming over the most? The loss at Ginti and when you guys pushed Loria to a defense. Your initial push at Loria was awesome, but then you fell apart.

If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.

#145 [en] 

I'm not trying to stir up anything new with this, just leaving it here for everyone's consideration. Maybe some day soon we will be having more fun battles as frienemies, but something has to change. I know both sides have done counter-declares in the past, so I am not just targeting one group - I don't want to see a discussion about that.

Yesterday I decided to leave Ryzom. Having slept on it, I will wait until my exams are done to know what is really causing me stress.

Last edited by Crailus (1 decade ago)

#146 [en] 

If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.

Hey mate there was no Counter declare until Soloreaper Hit GoC with his alt. I

Last edited by Yakapo (1 decade ago)



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