#132 Added by Beeficus 1 decade ago
You get your panties in a wad whenever you start losing outposts, or die in PR, or lose in PvP, or in any situation where you don't win. You act no better than spoiled, self-absorbed, entitled children who can't accept that you're not always the best at everything. In that light, when it's not possible for someone to be "better" than you, anyone who DOES happen to beat you must be cheating. Get over yourselves.
#133 Added by Liliang 1 decade ago
All of these things help the advanced player significantly speed up activities, and could be seen by the unwashed masses of mouth-breathing keyboard-turners as God-like synchronization that must be illegal.
#134 Added by Beeficus 1 decade ago
No matter how many PC's and how much you spend on them you can only press keys on so many keyboards at once without growing extra arms.
#135 Added by Garla(arispotle) 1 decade ago
#136 Added by Beeficus 1 decade ago
Last edited by Beeficus (1 decade ago)
#137 Added by Yakapo 1 decade ago
It would be a simple matter to check server logs to determine if all the characters shown to be following one player were each logged in from seperate IP's, and if they are the same as the IP's those accounts are regularly logged from.Not completely fool-proof but its one way.
Last edited by Yakapo (1 decade ago)
#138 Added by Liliang 1 decade ago
#139 Added by Garla(arispotle) 1 decade ago
#140 Added by Erizon(arispotle) 1 decade ago
(stuff about client IP addresses)
#141 Added by Erizon(arispotle) 1 decade ago
#142 Added by Beeficus 1 decade ago
#143 Added by Crailus 1 decade ago
#144 Added by Crailus 1 decade ago
Now, all that aside, you know what TI wants? They may not tell you this, but from the time that I spend around them and talking with them, they want fun and exciting battles. Do you know the two battles I've heard them nerdgasming over the most? The loss at Ginti and when you guys pushed Loria to a defense. Your initial push at Loria was awesome, but then you fell apart.
#145 Added by Crailus 1 decade ago
Last edited by Crailus (1 decade ago)
#146 Added by Yakapo 1 decade ago
If this is the case, why can we not have fair fun battles anymore? Why does declaring on a guild's OP automatically cause a counter-declare and threats to "take everything we have" then? Why add that intimidation? Why threaten to take our allies OP if we attack? If they really want a good battle, they should accept a single attack and not try to scare away attackers with these threats and actions. We are not scared to lose an OP, but others may be put off from supporting, and you may end up fighting a weak little force which isn't fun for anybody. It's a game and shouldn't cause so much stress.
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