

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi all,

Hope you can help.

I'm trying to level crafting in order to get access to better ammo and ranged weapon plans; however, I'm currently only getting 400 - 500 XP when crafting q10 ammo.

Is it normal to get such low returns? Is there' something I should be doing differently?



#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm trying to level crafting in order to get access to better ammo and ranged weapon plans; however, I'm currently only getting 400 - 500 XP when crafting q10 ammo.
Seems like you reached level 10 in craft, grats ;-)

You should upgrade you craft plan and/or edit your craft plan to use the new q20 craft stanza.
You also need to use q20 materials to get q20 ammo.



#3 Report | Quote[en] 

:) actually, I'm about level 25 or so in crafts. So far, have only had the skill points to get the 1st (q10) level ammo plan.

To get a q20 level plan requires another 40 points and 4 levels at my current rate is going to take a loooong time :(


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

If you have another skill that you have plans for, maybe craft that for a few levels to get SP.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Cheers Crailus, I'll try that.


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

It sounds like there's a bit of confusion.

You don't need another crafting "plan" or "pattern", you need an upgraded crafting "action". The action has the same image as the button you push to start your crafting session, and the next upgrade always costs 25 SP. What costs 40 SP would be a different kind of crafting pattern, which you don't need just yet.

The patterns are "Basic Quality ...", "Medium Quality ...", etc. You only -need- the basic quality crafting pattern to train your crafting skills, but you will need each and every crafting action upgrade, all the way to q250.

For ammo, there is only one crafting pattern anyway (there is no "Basic Quality", "Medium Quality", etc).

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Thanks Erizon. Indeed, it seems I'm a bit confused! Will take anoter look.


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