

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Greetings all, I am quite new to all of this but enjoying the environment immensely. Im having a problem though. I am not sure how this works, but sometimes when fighting creatures, like Ragus and those nastyflying creatures (Which im supposed to be gathering a team to fight as part of my mission) ill see that my levels seem fine but suddenly Im in a coma. Is there something Im missing? (other than common sense, haha)
Ets b'Ruach

#2 Report | Quote[en] 


I think I know what you mean. There seems to be a bit of lag between being hit and your stats updating.

It's caught me out a few times too. Leave some margin and heal sooner rather than later.


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

When you are in the game, press Shift-N to bring up the Network Statistics window. This will show you, among other things, the latency in your connection with the server (the "ping" measurement). This is round-trip time, meaning how many milliseconds it takes for data to leave your computer, reach the Ryzom servers, and return to your computer.

The servers are in France.

Measured in milliseconds, numbers close to 1000 mean it could take a second or more for the server to register a hit on your character and for you to respond. That's an eternity when something is chewing your face off. Personally, I usually have around 200-400 ms, which is generally quite responsive. Anything above that and it starts feeling choppy to me.

(Underpowered computers can also artificially increase the latency, as your computer can't get out of its own way fast enough to communicate with the Ryzom servers)

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Thanks guys, maybe that's the problem then. I also noticed before I went down that I lost my weapon, is that something that can happen during a fight? or was that most likely just me somehow disarming myself?

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Javings have a habit of dis-arming you! Keep a watchful eye on your right hand!

They can also gang up on you, so be prepared to RUN!
All the best, have fun.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

ahh! Yes, I've been searching the forums and read that elsewhere also. Well, I'll have to figure it out. I'm supposed to kill a couple of them and so far they just kill me before I can get anything done. A whole mob just attacks me.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

You need to target one from a distance and draw it away from the others. Use taunt or acid attack to get their attention.


#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Javings are know to disarm you and this applies to Amps as well as any other weapon. Sometimes, though, you will appear to just stop attacking, and not just with Javings. This may be Sleep or Stun affliction spell. Check out on your screen where the Death Penalty icon appears - if it is Sleep or Stun or any other affliction spell it will show an icon there. You can counter this kind of attack to some extent by using Anti-Magic Shield Aura.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

thank you so much for the responses.
I started over with a different character, I managed to miss the order of some things before as well as skipped through too much of what I was being told by different 'go to' people, trainers etc so this time I am taking my time and working my way though a few levels of each skill.
It's making more sense now. Thanks for the 'lure' tip, I'm better prepared for training now.
(YafaEtz being my current primary character now a female Fyros)

P.S. LOVING this game, the layers are amazing!
Last visit Monday, 17 February 09:14:41 UTC

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