

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Most of the time, people will have questions about exactly what happened at an event and what it was supposed to accomplish. Still others may not have been able to attend and would like a brief synposis of the event.

Upon the conclusion of the event, or series of events as in the case of the Marauder convoys, I request that the Events Team give us a post-mortem of the event. That is, a post or two describing what the Events Team planned for the particular event, what options, if any, participating players were given and chose, and a brief summary of the event as it actually transpired -- from the point of view of the Events Team (we the players will certainly not be shy about adding in our two dappers). This type of post, by necessity, is very OOC.

It would probably be most helpful for this summary to be posted in any existing discussion thread to provide a dividing line between speculation leading up to the event and discussion of actual facts that happened at the event.

This will make sure that what happened in the event will not soon be forgotten, and weeks and months down the road, we will be able to look back at the discussion thread and remind ourselves how we arrived at the place where we are now in the current chain of events.

It should both help ensure that we the players have a clearer understanding of what the event was supposed to accomplish as well as adequately prepare us for what is to come.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

+1, it is very difficult for those of us who are interested in the evolving lore and story of the game when we are excluded from it (such as the recent fiasco with the Kings kidnapping...even though this would be very relevant for the Fyros and others who are essentially at war with the Matis, especially if they are about to get blamed for it).

Alternately, as with the case above. I went and collected as much information as I could and wrote it up (IC) in the Kami forum as conflicting rumors that I had heard and am reporting to the Kami GLs as well as the leaders of the Kami alligned nations. This worked well in my opinion, but I could very well have not heard anything about it and then would not know to go do research in Fairhaven...leaving the Kami entirely in the dark concerning this turn of events...including that it was even happening.

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

I can see where something like this would be useful. However it's good to remember that speculation and disinformation can often all be part of the fun.


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#4 Report | Quote[en] 


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

I agree Jayce, that is why in my example above...the post I left in the Kami forums. I did just that...I reported all the rumors and speculation that I heard. Not the finished account of the event which I was able to build.

But, anything is better than being left totally out of the story.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#6 Report | Quote[en] 



#7 Report | Quote[en] 

This would also be helpful for people torn between being true to their character (or their life!) and wanting to know what's going on - it permits having at least a clue while remaining in character.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

I can see where something like this would be useful. However it's good to remember that speculation and disinformation can often all be part of the fun.

Quite true, Jayce. There will be a point at which some information cannot be shared without spoiling the future. But there is always quite a bit that could be shared and clarified.

Given that the Event Team was able to choreograph an event with suspense, a task often requiring complex planning and preparation, it should be a small matter to summarize the details while leaving in the suspense.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

I... what... you.... damn your Kami mind-stealing machines, Erizon! I was in the process of working out this suggestion myself, and logged in just now to make this very thread!

Well, okay, not exactly. I was going to ask for an Event-Epilogue. And my request was much smaller, not that the Event Team summarizes what happened at every event for us, but just that they give us some of kind of epilogue-post to properly close the event off, as I felt that currently events often feel like they're left hanging.

All I intended to ask was that every event gets a closing-post just as it gets an announcement post, containing just a few lines that could be lots of things - an (OOC or IC) report of what happened, a (OOC or IC) hint at things to come, a little bit of story... just something that makes it clear the event is over.

However, your idea is similar enough that I can't make a separate thread for my suggestion anymore now :P

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

So about your more extended idea... I totally agree that it would be nice to have, ofcourse. But, I think you're forgetting the Event Team is always short on time already.

Summarizing what happened during an event might seem like "a small matter" when someone else does it, but I dare you to try it yourself and you'll see that if you actually want to include all the little details that might be important to the story, it can easily take an afternoon.

And yes, even those little details can be important enough to come back up all the time. (Recall a recent argument about whether the yubombs used to bomb the Fyros lived or died).

So, all you +1 people, is this really so important to you that you want the Event Team to cancel a portion of the events so they have time for this?

What's more, *most* of such of an event summary would be stuff that the players themselves could write. So we're asking the Event Team to cancel a portion of the events to do something we could be doing ourselves but are too lazy to?

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Wasn't there once a Atys Post or some such thing? We need a player driver reporters corp...new guild idea anyone?

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

No one said anything about canceling events except you =P

It seems really odd that it's an all-or-nothing approach: either you can get a sub-paraphrased generalization of an event, or no event at all? If you want to cancel events because of the lack of time or real life that could plague a small events staff, then please don't point fingers at the players who want more information about what was going on.

I described it as a small matter because to plan, script, and choreograph an event, you have to already have the majority of the details prepared. If an event is designed to be flexible, that could introduce some unknown that may take some time. But a large part of what I'm asking for is a subset of what has already been prepared before the event takes place. Even the flexible outcomes need to be factored into the next event, so that work has to be done already anyway as well. At least ... I'm hoping this much detail is involved in running the events?

If the events are really stacked so tightly that the events team is facing a time crunch, perhaps fewer meetings with the Queen could be scheduled ;) But seriously, "don't take on more than you can handle" is very appropriate. Speaking for myself, but hopefully echoed by others, I would rather see events of substance as opposed to an hour of sit down, listen to monologue, and then asked a yes/no question only certain people can answer to conclude the event; as others mentioned, this could have been handled as a forum post and saved the events team (and players) a lot of time.

There are already some "leaks" being passed around to select people, such as followup information related to the Matis wedding. I'm also asking to make that official, instead of being passed around in semi-private. It keeps everyone on the same page, and raises the bar of quality for the events themselves.

I suspect such a level of openness from the events team could further help reduce claims of Matis-Karavan favouritism. If we know what the event was supposed to accomplish, then we might think there is more to it than just a Matis soap opera.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 


I give it a -1 because if an event occurs the best way to see what happened is to be there. So now we are already removed from RL and now instead of going to events one can just read about them. What's next just getting a daily email about what your character did?

But that said I was at the recent wedding and I was wondering what the argument between the Fryos and Matis was. So I went to the wiki and read about it.

My point is that the events team should not be dealing with this. Marelli (yes I am one of those pesky Fryos ;) ) did a great job on the wiki for the Matis wedding with enough details!

Of course someone could start a newspaper guild and act as reporters
That could be an interesting apprenticeship too. Or maybe a CNN or Atys?



Edited 2 times | Last edited by Keyif(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Well yes Keyif it would be great if we all could go to all events, but rember this game has players from all over the world and having an event during work hours, or at 4am in the morning isn't possible for all to go to. And if you get up at 4am in the morning to find out you just had to listen 30min to slow conversations between event team and a player gouverment you have noting to do with it's pretty demotivating. (but this is an entirely different disscussion)
The newspaper is a good idea, it has been done in the past but the writer is gone for some time again


#15 Report | Quote[en] 


Lol. I know there are people from many time zones. I cannot count the # of times I have missed an event due to to differences or my miscalculating the difference. My point is that people, if they are interested, should make an attempt to attend an event and not just rely on reading about it later. There is nothing like being there. :)

I think that a short synopsis of the event would not be to much to ask of events team. But a more detailed report should fall on the shoulders of the community.

Last edited by Keyif(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

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