

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Figured id poke my head in and let all of you know that I havent forgotten about you. This was a great community with alot of fun, and at slow times at work or in the house I do get nostalgic and think of some of you.

(SunCe, LittleTiger, Gabriel).

Oh, and just so you guys dont forget.
I will always be the Highlight of Arispotle ;)


Thomas - WhiteTigerex, formerly known as SunCe.
Son. Brother. Friend.
Follower of Christ.
Personal Trainer, CrossFit athlete and Coach!


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

YOU ! I thought you had disappeared or something !
I still have the foolish hope that you'll come back someday.
It would be awesome. The server is severely lacking some of your great sillyness.
I miss all the insane fun...


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Jena bless us all, a voice from out of the deep past. I am, however, not quite sure whether to rejoice, or to run and hide.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Sherk, take a look at www.animalpotential.com, and youll understand where I have dissappeared too.
Its called a carriere and a fiance lol.


Thomas - WhiteTigerex, formerly known as SunCe.
Son. Brother. Friend.
Follower of Christ.
Personal Trainer, CrossFit athlete and Coach!


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

You better come back and get this community together again. Atys needs YOU :D

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

I dont have the same tendency to piss people off anymore, infact I prefer being enjoyable. So I highly doubt I can irritate the community enough anymore to gather just to kill me.


Thomas - WhiteTigerex, formerly known as SunCe.
Son. Brother. Friend.
Follower of Christ.
Personal Trainer, CrossFit athlete and Coach!


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

That doesn't matter... in fact I wonder how that could even be a bad thing. :P
A career ? Not too surprised. A fiancee ? What the hell happened ? o.o
You've always been enjoyable... well I always thought so. ^^ So when can we ENJOY your return ? :P
*huggles* After all, we DO miss you.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Like I said, I am not sure when I will come back, or even IF I will.

If I start gaming again, I think it will be to try SwTor.


Thomas - WhiteTigerex, formerly known as SunCe.
Son. Brother. Friend.
Follower of Christ.
Personal Trainer, CrossFit athlete and Coach!


#9 Report | Quote[en] 


#10 Report | Quote[en] 


Star wars: The old republic

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, Redslayer said he'll probably come back as soon as his computer is fixed. It would be insanely great to have you and him back at once, along with Pelian who's still there every once in a blue moon...


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

*hugs sherk* there you go, I know you need this once in a while :(

Sadly I'm super busy myself, might pop in again in march, who knows!

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Hugs are always needed. *Huggles Arc back* I'm super busy as well with my internship at the hospital. It's ultra stressful. -.-


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Best of luck with the internship, I know many long hours and hard work were required to get this far, But the light at the end of the tunnel should be getting brighter.
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