

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Inspired by the Forum Post "How did you come to know about Ryzom" by Fishgod

There's a saying in Uni that "you really never quit ryzom, you just take breaks"

For me it's... Stockholm Syndrome xD

Kiddin' asside, it's the community really, and by that I mean friends I made in the bark, who I played with outside of ryzom too in different games (Valorant, GW2 etc) enemies along the way, the emotions I felt at the heat of the moment, if you just take a step-back and take a break you get to think and say to yourself "damn I missed those times let me check in them again" and I didn't even play Ryzom at it's peak, but the stories I've heard, the legends that Ari told me on my silan days (rip) my imagination went wild xD.

I said to myself, I also wanna make those stories, wether it be good or bad xD

This is the only game that made me feel emotions when I find out that the player behind that homin is no longer with us, I even miss those who I didn't get along with lol, specially those friends that told me "I'll see you guys soon" but never came back 'till this day, I know, life happens, it's good but it's still sad at the same time you know :)

so that's it for me, just wanted to share.



#2 Report | Quote[en] 

This is my home! :D
I like other games, but this is the BEST!

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

There is nothing else like it.



#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Ryzom does have a way of pulling me back, I'm around a few months, poof and show up again later. But heartbreak gets me now, I miss beepe and the others that used to be here.

Logged in today out of heartbreak for a different matter,.....maybe looking to life my spirits. And hearing the music for the menu made me smile.

I still can't justify a sub as I'm only around a few hours before I poof again lol, but hmmm, I really do miss digging and crafting and I was almost at expert heavy armorer before I left last time.

Debating(Thinking out) If I'll try to build a new game around ryzom. The work is too much but, I could do a small one but I have other games I've designed that still aren't done.

Holding on to the Name : The Soul. But man its cold in here, no ones around. Though I do see ryth here and there

Last edited by Ryuujin (2 years ago) | Reason: Forgot to mention a few things

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Awe, Come on back Ryu! We're still here! :D
See, I woke up this morning and started thinking of Ryzom at 4:30 am and logged on after a month of being off. It's in the blood now I think. Look forward to seeing you again. :D

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Je sais pas trop...ça me permet de dormir tout en jouant ? (Not a joke)

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I have been taking a break because there are some truly miserable people in the game now and they have customer service wrapped around their finger.


Last visit Monday, 16 September 18:51:37 UTC

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