

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Good day Atys, over the past 3 weeks, I have encountered behavior towards me that does not fall within the C.o.C of the Atys community. Now, I normally would not care (whining does no good in life) and my screenshot taking abilities need to be greatly improved because the following statements carry no physical proof, and no one has any reason to believe me other than I would not be so angry if it did not happen. I have no time, energy, nor any reason to make up an issue, just for issue sake. Attention is not needed unless deserved.

I publicly called out a toon and a guild in uni-chat over the past few days, where I chose less-than-ideal language and I do not have any regrets (I would do it again if needed) doing so because I see that we should call-out toons for egregious action that already has rules applied within the C.o.C guidelines. When toons delicately argo drag 3 times, it is no accident and when they gank bosses from you with argo drags or interfere when using the tribes, I feel that we should publicly shame them and their guild irregardless (yes I know the words is a double negative) if their other members are innocent because if you have bad behavior within your guild, you should know about it and the rest of Atys has the right to learn about it.

Now, I am no angel and yes shortly after the server merger, I pushed the boundary of the C.o.C to the point of walking away for a couple of years because I did not like where the game was going and now it is close to that point again. If you want to take Role Play to the extreme, then do so with toons who are in PvP zones and follow the rule and game mechanics. If you want to try and be tough, then at the very least, tag yourself so that when you do act like a simpleton (there is another word that I would like to use but that would violate the C.o.C) at the very least, a toon can then kill you for being stupid.

For my parting shot; I already know and understand that people will not be happy with this and that there will most likely be push-back, blacklisting and lose of friends but I have said my peace and I am dropping this issue. Say what you like, say nothing at all but I felt that it had to be noted. I will not waste any more energy nor will I follow this post because everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to it.

Godspeed, Zatarga

P.S., for the toon or toons who decided that it was a good idea to tell Atys that I am a Marauder, not sure where your brains are located but even if I was one, the acts and actions above do not justify the Role-play conduct of Atys.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

We should allow aggro drags and sneaky use of the environment against players to players imo;
That would fix the problem of not allowing PvP in every 250 prime roots zone.
inb4 no more free sups, free camping, and no more ticket about CoC! Perfect world.

Also Zat, don't be so mad really..
Atys is dangerous and if you throw (far away) that terrible CoC rule, the game isn't that bad or unfair to play
Been aggro dragged, not a big deal, can happen in a world where homins aren't on the top of the food chain.

No ones should feel safe in primes, that the big problem these days.

*escape now on a rainbow pegasus*


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

In closer past i watched (and suffered myself by) this behaviour, Zatarga described. Well, my opinion is, to use the screenshot function, because if i'd be the one, that will show a terrible understanding of the C. o. C., than i'd be reported too.

I'd never have a big deal with one, two or three so called mistakes. But if i'll see an not allowed Intention, where we all only should have the intention to play, the one and only solution is reporting. Quiet, without those big angry announcements, only a simply click 'n cut. Finished.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

@ Revvy - I agree 100$ with you. We should re-write the C.o.C to take advantage of our surroundings and weed-out the weak. But in your response to him being mad, I read it as frustration because toons like he/she described are to weak to tag and no guts to prove their Atys worth.

But, if I read this correctly, it seems that Zatarga is talking about regionswithin the 4 areas above Prime Roots and PvP areas like Nexus. If we are to re-write the C.o.C, then we should eliminate tagging all together and have open hunting season where are long as you are outside any city limits, you take that risk of being attacked. What is the worst thing that can happen? You get killed, it is not like you will be robbed or lose any gear/dappers for it.

Thank you

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

we should eliminate tagging all together and have open hunting season where are long as you are outside any city limits, you take that risk of being attacked. What is the worst thing that can happen?

Ryzom would die, or become WoW.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

You see; instead of taking radical action that actual affects gameplay; we have the following:

a CoC that is uneforce-able in terms of Bosses because the system is bugged if you know how to steal the boss you can steal it; a very partial jury when it comes to aggro-dragging (Facts here: Some players of certain guilds report people to friendly ears; get people banned; to the rest of the world, we report aggro-drag, nothing happens.."Warnings..."); an partial jury which actually does nothing to complaints filled against certtain "Ranger" guilds which serve as Faction Outings rather than anything else; or ranger oriented people (any ideas why that is? it's no secret why).

And what is being done? The direction the game is taking is to eliminate bosses as they are altogether and create what's called "Boss in a box"...Eliminate the already non-existent interaction between players and factions when it comes to bosses; enforce camping all the more (and if you think camping is not an issue on Atys; Let me Highlight to you what happens at Madakoo when both Kami and Maros have timers; 20 hours in the US all day long; yay no camping (Have screenshots of days with this willing to openly share) etc. etc.

When it comes to aggro-dragging and omg I don't believe I am typing this: killing firecamps: Enough with the Stasi mentality.

*Edited - Please contact support on support@ryzom.com if you have any complaints about abuse of powers by a member of Support. Any complaints will be scrutinized by the Head of Support and abuse is NOT tolerated.*


Edited 6 times | Last edited by Tiximei (6 years ago) | Reason: Edited to remove content that should be discussed directly with Support


#7 Report | Quote[fr] 

J'aime ce que je lis!!

Arrètez de vous plaindre. Ce jeu est d'une simplicité plus que mortel et en faire un jeu de bisounours l'a tué depuis des années. Pour un jeu qui se veut rp-first... on devrait pouvoir utiliser la totalité de l'environnement à notre guise. Ca ne ferait que favoriser l'entraide entre joueur pour justement contrer cet environnement qui nous en veut. Parce que oui... le but est bien évidemment de jouer les uns avec/contre les autres dans un MMO.

Pour la corruption des (anciens?) GMs... je ne me prononcerai pas ^^
Mon avis est plus qu'évident et connu depuis des lustres :p


#8 Report | Quote[en] 

an Impartial jury which actually does nothing to complaints filled against "Ranger" guilds; or ranger oriented people (any ideas why that is? it's no secret why).

I remember, in earlier times we all were as polite to fall into a coma by dragged aggro, before those aggro was pulled into a Boss-Fight (or a group of Homin). And those that hunted the boss, were as polite to resurrect people.

Today this minimum of politeness isn't given always. "Dragger" will not resurrect, they stand in front of you, laughing. Or they said in the past "Sorry. I don't have a heal skill", running away.

So my special gameplay as ranger is, to interact with people in another way: I'll never distract others from their tasks.

Why especially Ranger orientated players now are not helpfull i a way, they will distract others from their tasks - i can't understand this. Or it's their pure Intention, to give an example of massive misbehaviour.

It's not my personal "weakness", that i dont want to make PvP - but changing the CoC into a way, that everyone could use all game mechanics to "hurt" other ones, would be the end for Ryzom. Because than it's the end of everyones personal decision, how he'd like to leave his footprints in this game.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

A disclaimer: By rangers I largely refer to the guild which Zatarga is talking about; their behavior is well known amongst circles; and also a specific other "Ranger" guild who have a habit of profiteering for personal gain and spite by ticketing opposing factions and individuals. Ofc someome could call harassment in their repeated attempts; but well; as I said; no objectivity exists.

Last edited by Northstar (6 years ago)


#10 Report | Quote[en] 

we should eliminate tagging all together and have open hunting season where are long as you are outside any city limits, you take that risk of being attacked. What is the worst thing that can happen?

Ryzom would die, or become WoW.

It would certainly be dead to me, at the least.

If I wanted PVP at all times and no way to unflag, there are hundreds of games that do it better and actually make it enjoyable, unlike Ryzom.


#11 Report | Quote[en] 

I don't know where y'all get off thinking an MMORPG's official code of conduct is something you can ignore and then debate the merits of. In an MMO you follow the rules or you suffer consequences, period.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 


Many examples of Real life situation when the policy-maker wasn't transparent and got the boot; and many many MANY examples of when the CoC was enforced based on favoritism; actually making it moot.

*Comment: Please send your examples to Support via support@ryzom.com, we have rules to ensure that favouritism is not happening. As you will see in my post #22 *

Also in many cases where the CoC is contradicted by GP mechanics; GP comes first always (look at WoW; GP speaks for itself), unless GP mechanics are bugged; (as in the case with bosses here hence why all the drama or again in WoW cases where GP was exploited as a result of a bug).

What we have here is the following: The actual Game Play: YES the game-itself: promotes and allows all this behavior. Killing of Camp-Fires; killing of players; aggro-dragging. This is not a bug; it's how the game functions.

The CoC states; aggro-dragging not allowed. Sure. BUT; the CoC has failed time and time and time and time again; to be enforced; the screenshots are open to interpretation; the ways the GMs reach decisions on bans or warnings pertaining to this are not transparent; and fundamentally we have many cases of certain people that spam Screenshots and complaints for their own benefit against players; and get people banned; while at the same time when other people post screenshots on said people and behaviors the involved parties "are warned".

*Comment: see my reply in post #22 *

Therefore there is an imbalance here.

In addition; posting tickets again and again on same situations is a bona fide example of harrasment; which again according to the CoC is an offense. Where's the punishment in that?

*Comment: sending tickets over and over again without any cause for complaint is regarded as harassment by Support and is sanctioned as such*

CoC applies to all or to no-one; and that's what it is. If you want the game to be fair; have transparency; other-wise these things will always re-occur.

*Edited - Please contact support on support@ryzom.com if you have any complaints about abuse of powers by a member of Support. Any complaints will be thoroughly scrutinized by the Head of Support and abuse is NOT tolerated.*

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tiximei (6 years ago) | Reason: Edited to remove content that should be discussed directly with Support


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

As far as i know, CSR are not supposed to take tickets that come from THEIR player toon guild, but.. Of course, there is some affinities with others players than your guildies, that's normal.

The point is: Even if you try to be impartial, you ain't gonna be if it involve player you like vs player you don't like, that's human and can't be done by everyone, that's a fact.

Also, we can't get as much CSR as we want to try to solve this problem by takin a ticket only from players you don't know or won't gonna judge by how it act with your player toon. And even if it was possible, no one can't know if you play the game or not.

And, the conclusion is: Marauders players have for 90% of the communauty a bad reputation. Why ? Because they are Marau, they are bad peoples or will obviously act in a bad way. And, to this, i would say: N.O

A faction don't say who you are, just the way you did choose to play your game.

And, another important thing to remind to people is: No, if people choosed to play bad guy by RP, they are not just asses. They just decided to play the game a different way you did want to.

The Ryzom communauty was used to be friendly, RP wise, but, for an obvious reason ( Hey, merge ) it did changed. Because different way to play, different way to see things ( by IRL culture, i suppose ) and, that's a bit sad.

We all play Ryzom because we like the World, the style of the game, peoples who play it and who you did become IRL friends with, so, we need to respect each others instead of fight each other.


What means: I can be salty or harsh with you, it don't mean i hate the PERSON you are, it means MITHIAN don't like your TOON.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Mithian (6 years ago)

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Damn I am in agreement with Mithian again *cries*I would like to add, that from the Mara point of view we are the GOOD GUYS!  Yes in the story of Ryzom we are positioned in the role of the bad guys, but good and Evil are subjective terms.  Mara don't go round thinking "yay we are evil, let's eat babies".  We only seem evil to outsiders.  We are the heroes of our story.If 2 homins are tagged aggro dragging should be allowed.  Or at the least Aggro dragging Revvy when he doesn't do as he is told!

#15 Report | Quote[en] 


* invoke a shield protecting Rev and grins at Babel * You have no power heeeeerrrreeee

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