

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

There seems to be some confusion about PR weather and sups. For non-SN sups, there are three groups of mats as far as PR weather is concerned: sups that are available for all 4 seasons; sups that are available for 2 seasons; and sups that are available for only 1 season.

There are also 4 weather patterns in PR for sups.*  If you look at the BM weather graph - http://ballisticmystix.net/?p=atys_calendar# - you will see that for the server Atys weather is goes from Best to Worst.  See Dinorath's post below for more on this.  If you look at the graph you, the line for PR is the thick Green Line. ALL of PR has this weather.  You can tell exactly what sups will pop, and when, by looking at this line.

2 season sups pop from Best to Good
4 season sups pop at Worst and above

The other 2 weathers correspond to sups that are available for only 1 season.  These sups fall into two groups of mats, each with its own weather. One can think of these as 1 season A and 1 season B:

1 season A pop from first Good to first Bad
1 season B pop from first Bad to Worst

You can map all one seasons sups for one of these weathers if you wish.  However, the following appears to be correct:

Spring 1 season A (Shell, Node)
Spring 1 season B (Wood, Amber, Sap, Bark, Seeds)

Summer 1 season A (Resin, Oil, Seeds, Shell)
Summer 1 season B (Amber, Bark, Wood)

Autumn 1 season A (Sap, Wood, Resin)
Autumn 1 season B (Node)

Winter 1 season A (Amber, Fiber, Sap, Wood )
Winter 1 season B (Shell, OIl, Resin)

One, and only one, weather type is always up, so if you know the weather type you know which sups will pop (if not depleted).

Sups and xls in PR (this includes SN) refill after a set number of days after being completely depleted, or on a reset/rollback. The refill period for xls may be half that for sups.  This is a guess, I have never bothered to try and work this out. Do not think of season change as having anything to do with refills; think of it as being about availablity.  Rather than refill, sups will either be full, empty, or partially full at season change. 

If a spot is empty, you either need to know (have a rough idea) of when the spot was depleted so as to work out when it will likely refill, or wait for the next reset. The refill mechanic for sups is NOT 16 days. If you want to try and work it out try starting 15 days after a spot is completely depleted.

*The weather for SN sups is different.

Edited 9 times | Last edited by Lacuna (10 years ago)


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

long time bug about sup's in pr, they don't refill properly EVER without a server reset (which is why there's one every few weeks) it's a bug that's never been fixed (which is strange given how old it is)


Remickla (atys)
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#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, now that the cat is out of the bag, I can say I've heard players who actually witnessed the 16-day-refill mechanic in action.


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Sorry Talk but they do! I know because I have been digging them for over a year. And for a long time I was likely the only homin digging non-SN zun and oath at the time of the refill.  The refill mechanic works! And 16 days is wrong, it is slighty earlier than that.

Last edited by Lacuna (10 years ago)


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

due to my lack of personal information i will submit that i stand corrected, with MJ (one source i used to base my statement on) saying it, i'll have to agree with you on it. (perhaps it was the SN's that everyone was speaking of and not the regional mats)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Sorry, SN refill too. I guess homins are keeping very quiet about that :P


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank you for opening this information up to everyone- I have often wondered how to apply the weather graph correctly but considering my extreme lacking of digging skills and motivation never managed it!

Now digging is an even playing field just need the bosses to be sorted and then everyone has a fair chance at getting the materials they want!



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#8 Report | Quote[en] 

The beauty of the weather is that its not completely random. As Lacuna said, in PR, you got 4 availability patterns. And they all balance to yield the same availability on a year cycle.

There are 4 weathers server side: Best, Good, Bad and Worst. In PR, 'best' means a 20% chance. 'good' is 40%, 'bad' is 30%' and 'worst' is 10%.

4 seasons means its always available and only restricted by weather. 100% of time combined with 10% of weather availability (worst) yields 10%.

2 seasons means is half the time. 50% of time with 20% weather (best) yields the same 10%, averaged on a year cycle.

1 season means 25% of time, and you have two weathers patters: good (40%) or bad + worst (30%+10%). In both cases you'll end with 10% in a year cycle.

Thats for Sups in PR. It means, in the end, that you have a 10% chance of finding a sup mat in PR, depleted or not. Excels and choice in PR follow the same logic, but with higher availability.

Simply amazing, and one of the reasons I still love this game.

Good digging!

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Don't quote me on this, but SN, choice and xl may not be as neat and tidy as sup weather is. I have never really bothered to work out how mats are grouped for these grades, but, if memory serves me well, some of these mats may pop in 2 seperate weathers.  For example, a mat may pop in bad weather and continue popping in worst, though maybe not to the very worst possible weather. 

But I am sure there is no PR bug, resets are not the solution but the cause of this idea.


#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Lacuna (atys)
Don't quote me on this, but SN, choice and xl may not be as neat and tidy as sup weather is. I have never really bothered to work out how mats are grouped for these grades, but, if memory serves me well, some of these mats may pop in 2 seperate weathers.  For example, a mat may pop in bad weather and continue popping in worst, though maybe not to the very worst possible weather. 

But I am sure there is no PR bug, resets are not the solution but the cause of this idea.

it is as neat and tidy as sup is, and yeah, pop on more than 1 weather.

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

As I already told the person who disclosed this refill timer to me - 16 RL days is a bloody long time. Whoever "acquires" the deposit by digging it first after reset can then come back and dig it after refill, forever (assuming no other reset).

At least with bosses you have randomized timers, so they could reappear while you sleep. Also, it's easier to get into the loop with the shorter respawns, whereas losing track of a deposit could mean you never see it full again before a new reset.


#12 Report | Quote[en] 

I agree, MJ. A random timer to refills would be great. But I assume that sup forage mats are meant to be far rarer than the are atm, and that is why it is such a long period.

@ Dino, thanks, thought I remembered that.  It just looks to 'tidier' to me because weather changes on those handy lines on the graph XD


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 for the random timer



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#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Just a shameless bump to try and level the playing field :P To reiterate, the refill mechanic for sups is NOT 16 days. If you want to try and work it out try starting 15 days after a spot is completely depleted.  Ofc you need to know the time and date for that, but even if you don't know, for many mats you can make an educated guess.  The fun part is that you can never be certain that a mat has refilled and been dug by another digger, or still to refill.

Last edited by Lacuna (10 years ago)


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

I dunno if this will help but this is what I use:

If I happen to dug/depleted sup mats on a certain season I need to wait for another 2 available seasons + the current season to dug again the sup mats. It seems for me that mats are always refilled on the 3rd available season.

If I happen to received depleted message and I don't know when it was depleted then I just add 1 available season or I could wait for another reboot/reset to gain the timer.

I could be wrong on my observation.


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