STORYLINE - Ryzom Community Forum Sun, 16 Feb 2025 12:09:36 +0000 ryApp::FeedBuilder 15 STORYLINE - Ryzom Community Forum <![CDATA[Retour sur Storyline - Feedback on Storyline and suggestions for improvements]]> Thu, 18 Mar 2021 17:25:29 +0000 STORYLINE
est-ce donc des détails qui sont en cours de peaufinage au niveau technique ?


la situation a été résolue (merci) et j'ai validé un paquet de 20 colliers et j'ai la barre pleine (200 colliers) mais y a trois étoiles (une pour le puzzle de la carte du Nexus et une pour la collecte des matiéres suprêmes et une pour les colliers, selon ce que j'ai compris) mais l'étoile des colliers est pas validée et je sais pas si c'est important ces étoiles, mais en tous cas je le signal ici]]>
<![CDATA[Season In black against white]]> Wed, 04 Nov 2020 11:15:53 +0000 STORYLINE Scientists are definite: nations' supreme can indeed be found in the Nexus.

Who will be the first to discover all the riches of the Nexus? Come and prove your cleverness!]]>
Storyteller Of Atys
<![CDATA[The wealth of the Nexus]]> Wed, 04 Nov 2020 11:01:54 +0000 STORYLINE
Shortly afterwards, posters bloomed everywhere.
Digger friends,
We are entering a second phase in the study of Nexus Materials.
Ba'Caun Bammy and Be'Gale Acher continue to receive materials from spontaneous sources that have appeared around the faults, but these sources seem unlikely to improve over time.
We have therefore decided to launch a larger campaign.
You will find in your respective camps new instructions from Ciro Becco and Freccio Tinagno.
We are counting on you!

Daeronn Cegrips
Scientific Team Coordinator

[OOC] Marauders' specific informations. [/OOC]]]>
Ghost Of Atys