[PLAYER] Armageddons birthday party (2012/02/11)

The Armageddons Birthday Party Event is over.

We are proud that around 50 people showed up to celebrate our birthday with us. We were even honored by 2 CSR's who showed up. Daexin and Sywindt thanks for showing up!

The party itself was a great success. All the attendees and spectators had a blast and nice prizes were won.

At the party, the strangest things happened. We had the Mektoubs participating in the Mektoub Race being shrunk to half their size. It looked like the participants touched the ground with their feet! Also there were some Kinchers and even a Kincher Boss visiting us in Yrkanis! And all of the online Armageddon guilds had their titles changed to either Birthday Girl or Birthday Boy.

Near the end of the festivities there were some fireworks distributed to everyone, so at the end after handing over the Big Prizes and the Grand Prize, there was a great fireworks show!

The posts above have been updated with Jola's speech and with the winners of the prizes. So be sure to check them out.

Some player comments:
-Great event ... Fabulous party!
-We need more player events like this.
-Swell party
-One of the better run events i have seen in a long time.
-Again next week :-)?

We congratulate the winners with their prizes and we like to express our thanks to all who showed up and made this birthday an unforgettable event in Armageddons history.

Cheers and up to next year!

On behalf of the entire Armageddons guild,
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