
Messages about the 2624 Water Route

De naveruss kynigrips, akenakos de pyr, à l'attention du sharükos.
" sharükos pyrèkud, sharük pyrèkud ! "

In the end, the Water Route went very well, both practically and politically. We arrived at our destination with all our merchandise unhindered, which is already a success. As for the political aspect, the Matis escort didn't give them any leverage, and worrying so much about having accepted this condition was like a storm in a glass of shooki!.
The citizens of the lakes, and in general all the participants, got along very well, and no incidents in particular were observed. Once again, it seems that concerns about the exclusion felt by the Trykers have been allayed. It won't be long before relations between our two nations deteriorate..
In the end, the biggest failures came from ourselves, with a serious lack of discipline under the guise of honor, which I would describe as misplaced pride. In any case, I'll do what's necessary to ensure that this point is resolved and never repeated..

"akash, the talent, orak i rechten! "
naveruss kynigrips


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