[Event Fyros] The Empire's Shield: conclusion (2019/10/07)

The Empire's Shield: conclusion


On Monday, October 7, construction work on the last ramparts of the Empire's Shield (groups 2 to 6) was officially launched.
The first site therefore appeared at Thesos, a short distance from the first complex already built.
It is an opportunity for patriots, their allies and friends, and the enemies of the Empire to fight each other in order to protect - or destroy - the stocks of materials.

For this purpose, players are asked to activate their PvP tag when they participate in the event


The work will take place over the period from 7 to 30 October, and is divided into 5 phases:
  • construction of complex 2 (7 days)
  • construction of complexes 3 to 6 (4 days each)

Progression and objectives

  • Patriots and friends of the Empire : After so much waiting, the objective is finally within reach!
    Do not give up, gather your allies and patrol the area regularly to detect any enemy presence!
    With strength and determination, lend a hand to the imperial soldiers to defend craftsmen and building materials!

  • Enemies of the Empire(*) : Try to destroy the crates of materials and don't let anyone get in your way!
    The craftsmen will naturally try to prevent this, and they will be protected by guards (NPCs), but also by allied reinforcements (PCs).

    (*) Enemies of the Empire: marauders and characters with a reputation of less than -30 among the Fyros.
    NB: Characters labelled “enemies of the Empire” will be attacked on sight by craftsmen and site guards.
    It should also be noted that to avoid “friendly fire”, guards, craftsmen and crates can only be attacked by characters who meet the same conditions of fame.

  • Consequences of the attacks:

    • Each destroyed crate reduces the overall amount of material available for the full completion of sets 2 to 6.
      This will not necessarily affect the current site (materials will be taken from the general stock to supplement losses as they occur) but will be decisive when launching the final phases: if there is no longer enough material for the next site, it cannot be launched until the necessary stocks have been reconstituted (wood, oil, sap, ligaments, etc.).
    • Every guard or craftsman killed, has the effect of lowering the fame among the Fyros.

  • Emplacement des chantiers :

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