make choice generic materials tradeable

Disagree atm [It will take some time to study it.. as said by Neama]

I fear, it will exploit the game.. especially the diggers+crafters. People spend their days(years) for getting mats and craft something from it. Gen mats are too powerful and has potential to create masters (craft, ranger...) within few days.

If you ask me, I want 1000's of gen mats stack, even of quality 50. So I wish to make it tradable. But we might see some issues with making gen mats tradable.. Example, a strong guild will take no time to make all of its players MASTER in all crafts with gen mats (which is exploit of game).

We see issues in Xmas tree hunt when some players get gen mats from gift boxes and some don't. We need to provide fair share of gen mats to the teams.. making mats tradable is one of the solution.. but not the best one I think.
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