
Arispotle Syndrome

Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction. Your are all part of a faction/guild, how many of you influence the new recruits? it will become Arispotle because you are the ambassadors of your way of role play or no role-play.

Yes, we all play here but at least bear in mind, your actions also impact all the communities and MY CONCERN once again, (people seem to either ignore it or just don't reply to the point) is that your role play makes the end game (getting the best armor etc etc ) easier and it will corrupt all the role play communities in doing the same, as in no faction role-play.

I dont want you to change just accept this part of reality too, as I am accepting yours. Because trust me, it is easier to do no role-play than do role-play. (it was never a personal attack)

And without faction role play, you end up farming resources - it is boring, empty, and the only role play it delivers is being verbally aggressive to one another or teasing your so called "enemies" "Guild X is doing this and you are not".


I'm starting to see the big picture now and understand the limitations and I really don't like what I see, I do hope the french Kami guilds will still do role play as the Karavan ones already extinguished.

P.S. if tomorrow the power swings from Kami to Karavan, I'm willing to bed all my money that all kami guilds that do role-play will die, because as I stated and others did:

RP is not neccessarily about winning, is about being your character, all of it, not just bits and pieces.

Exodus out


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