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Forum reorganisation

(Sorry for my english, i hope you will understand)
It would be nice to merge the bazar, guild registry, ideas for ryzom, and general forums. It will be like the new universe, multilanguage.
The rp/nation/faction forum need to be language-separated (because it's different events), but it could be nice to have a global event forum for the lore events.
And please, allow us to have multiple language ingame universe at the same time, and multiples languages forums at the same time (it's pretty boring to change the community everytime you want to check a thread).
Last thing : i'd love to be able to create private forums, for organisations (the akenak, the TENANT commission, the ASA ...). Some mailing list could be nice too. (but pretty useless if we have ingame forums)


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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 04:44:02 UTC

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