Bridging the economic gap.

In the many complaints about the economic changes I have seen one in particular that seems to make a lot of sense. There has been an oversight in the decision that has affected some players ability to choose their lifestyle on Atys. While I make my decisions based on game mechanics and logic, I do respect that others choose to play a role that appeals to them.

The economic changes have created a quite large financial gap between foragers and hunters. A forager once reaching level 250 can gather materials at a much faster rate alone than a hunter can. Many players who have chosen to live their life in Atys on their feet, rather than on their knees in the dirt, feel that their choice is no longer supported by Ryzoms economy and some have given up in despair.

I propose that it may be worth considering increasing the sale price for materials looted from animal and plant life slightly above the worth of foraged materials, only in direct proportion to the amount of extra time it takes to collect them.


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