
Rules for Alts stated by Yumeroh

Aha. Bestrafungen gibt's also nur für die Benutzung von mehreren Accounts, die zur selben Zeit von ein und derselben physischen (realen) Person gespielt werden, und die dieser Person Vorteile verschaffen. Wie z.B. ein volles Team zu formen, mit dem man Named Mobs erlegen kann, um Erfahrungspunkte zu gewinnen oder Ernten auf eine Weise, die nicht der "normalen" entspicht, wie man Ryzom spielt.

Es geht also auf jeden Fall um mißbräuchliche Anwendung. Jeder Fall wird einzeln und nacheinander behandelt, um festzustellen, ob er erlaubt werden kann oder nicht. Normalerweise werden diese Personen dazu erst von anderen Spielern angezeigt. Fälle wie Lager-Chars wurden schon immer toleriert.

Außerdem ist jede Art von Software oder Windows-Modifikation verboten, die den Client in einer Weise verwendet/einsetzt, die nicht offiziell so gedacht ist. Die Regeln haben sich nicht verändert, aber jetzt, da wir einen einzigen Server haben, werden die Regeln ernsthafter durchgesetzt.
Yumeroh (atys)
Just to be more clear with that topic.[/color]

My discussion with firstdo, this applies ONLY on Multiple Account Played at SAME TIME by only ONE physical person, for doing things that give more advantage to this person, like creating a full team that can allow you to do a named, or acheiving experience, or harvesting, thats not a normal way to play RYZOM. That would mean a guild with three physical people could handle maybe 20 toons, and maybe attack your OP ?

Sorry but it's not a normal way to play Ryzom at all. Here we talk about Abusive Usage Of Multiple Account ------>"ABUSIVE"<------

As always, the support team will study EACH case ONE by ONE, to identify if we can allow or not allow that.

Firstdo and his friends, were notified that THEY CAN'T PLAY AS THEY DO, this fact does not concern everyone, but only those who have been contacted by the support team. If they have been contacted by the support team it's because players have filed tickets against them, so they were monitored and reported as an INDIVIDUAL case.

We know you have concern about "storage" and we always tolerated players to have many account for storing stuff.

Thank you for reading guys. The Rules NEVER CHANGED, but now with a unique shard we will be more serious to make it applied.

I do not talked about software things that can handle multiple account, this is a part of our discution with you firstdo, and proving to use or not using that it's something else. But this part is private between the support and players. Any software usage, windows modification, that allow the use of our Client in a method we do not planed is Forbiden.


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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:30:08 UTC

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