
Rules for Alts stated by Yumeroh

Hm. in my Network, there are 5 PC...and the have in case of logging in all the same IP..
Problem in this case is: the other 4, if all 5 are in, are the accs of my kids...what will happen in this case? I cannot change the fact, that all accounts log in with the same IP address....


Mata Hoï­­­­-Cho.
Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún
Discepatores Zorae - Shizu
Zoraï-Initiatin und Zoraï-Erleuchtete
Hoï-Cho Intendantin

Der Hauch der Weisheit Ma-Duks weht zärtlich über Atys und erfüllt alle Homins mit seiner Weisheit. (naja: FAST alle)

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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:28:00 UTC

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