
Economy changes are annoying!

Ryzom is a sandbox game with some missions you can do when you are bored now with these prizes ppl like me are forced in doing these missions over and over to make a bit of dapper so I can go rez a friend when needed to
I can say after 2 days I'm bored of doing em already, atleast in guildwars2 these missions are intresting but comon killing the same bandits over and over having to wait 5min on respawn while 5 others ppl are camping them at the same time is just sad (not for those ppl but whoever made this system and forces us all off a sudden to use it)

My playstyle might be a bit extreme 4h a day slacking of at the stables having fun doing some light roleplaying and then +-1h (+-30min) killing some mobs somewhere make 50k dapper or kill a boss and I can go back rezing ppl and goofing of (now I'm forced to do missions the whole time and atleast in guildwars2 and wow and so much other games the missions are intresting but here they are just a repetitive tasks)

yes your ideas sound wonderfull kaetemi if you have 12h a day to grind and do treks but for much of us it's not a perfect world and everyone has a different playstyle (and honestly not sure if i'll resub Subox account next month (was my alt and would become new main but not at these prices) and might just countdown 3 more months to unsub Suboxide's account aswell. I can perfectly goof of at the stables with an f2p and do nothing else since that's what you force me to do now anyway. (light rping and chatting at the stables on a p2p or f2p seems exactly the same except on p2p i feel guilty when i can't go rez a friend in need on an f2p i'll be able to say sorry but i can't get there)


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Last visit Saturday, 23 November 07:51:57 UTC

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