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Jarnys (Leanon)
The biggest problem at the moment are not the C++ developers ;-) (ryzom core got some incredible people there)
But they need to redo the tools so they don't rely on Windows and 3DS Max any more (is currently in progress in Ryzom Core)

I think it is more accurate to point out that this is where our (Ryzom Core's) efforts currently lie. Most of the tools are ported to Qt and are cross platform. There are just a few left to be fair. We want to obliterate the 3DSMAX reliance but with no Blender/Python developers available to us I fear this will be an on-going 'wish'. I appreciate your kind words about our community though - there are some very smart people there.
Jarnys (Leanon)
What Winchgate doesn't get from the OS project are the real content and designs for (new) objects and if they want to get help here they need the revamped tools for e.g. designers using blender instead of Max

I'm not sure I totally understood this paragraph but I think the gist of it is that we're (Ryzom Core) providing stuff to Ryzom but without new 3D content and new game-content they're useless. The Blender is really for non-Ryzom projects based on Ryzom Core's platform. Although I think there is a lot of opportunity for player-generated content if a Free tool was available to author in and test with.

A good example, though, of this is that we mentored a student to implement guild-based missions in Ryzom Core. There's a document on how to do this and a video demonstrating it. Guild leaders can accept a mission and all of that guilds members can contribute towards the goal. We did this in 2011. But without Ryzom content people actually using it this is a pointless feature to add. )=
Jarnys (Leanon)
And I don't think that it really matters what kind of code they use for the missions/rites (as long as it's running stable and fast enough) - let them use PHP if that's faster to implement...

Not having seen the 'ARCC' code I still have some caution on this. I like the Ryzom developers, all of them are smart and capable people. I'm just afraid it might rely on too many hacks to bypass the way the system was designed in order to quickly develop a tool.

There's really nothing wrong with the mission editor (other than that it is ugly and MFC based right now) other than the fact that non-developers cannot 'inject' new missions as they're actually modifying the primitives that define the world. And the reloadMissions command is broken and has been for a few years.
Jarnys (Leanon)
And in Ryzom Core they are searching for designers as well (to have some nice new models that can be used for testing purposes and maybe redo some of the older textures)

This is sort of true - yes. There are Ryzom Core-based projects that would like designers but we would also like to see designers contributing example content to Ryzom Core. We have a basic Silan but we don't have any engaging mission to showcase the potential of the game. There is a LOT of potential. You can always get Ryzom Core and start hacking on an idea. I'm willing to bet if you have something well written produced that Ryzom staff would accept it. If not - I will and we'll merge it into Ryzom Core's sample world.
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