
Ryzom funds and F2P cost vs benefit.

Definitely agree with adding paypal or something a bit more widely familiar to other people. Bibit made me doubt and research around in search of a possible scamsite (had never heard of it).

As for Subox's previous comment... lots of people are perma-125's who can't or refuse to EVER subscribe and will stay on their 125's for life (some even seem convinced that Ryzom owes THEM money for "marketing" or something of sorts so imagine.............). Quite sure a few of them will eventually break down and want to crack that cap to 150, some will get hooked on the power and hit 200... after that, they're gonna be too close to "elite 250" so to speak and will crack and subscribe. (Well, that's how I've seen the market work as a general norm for the last 15ish years, not saying I have all the absolute truths.. wouldn't share if i had them lol)

I'm still for lowering the f2p cap to 75 or 100 but tends to make people go into decapitation attempts *grin*

With cap down to 75 or 100 unlocking levels bit by bit might be another story (remember the point is aiming at that demographic that has some income just not steady... way currencies work globally, $15 might be A LOT in some countries, specially for someone who only plays a day or two a week). Could still work with the current lv125 cap though less profitable.

Those people only playing a couple of days a week aren't really a bandwidth cost per se, but would eventually reach the cap level (whatever it would turn out to be) and still be able to crawl along to 200 paying as the levels reach their new cap. So the f2p player who'd spend a year or two reaching the 125's without contributing to Ryzom's finances would instead randomly throw in an extra 5'er here and there.... Those do add up in the big scheme of things.

"Half subscription fee" is also quite appealing with "unlock storage or unlock levels" option now that it's mentioned, worth exploring.

And just to say something controversial: Giftable "Time cards (virtual)". Broke as hell and got a week off for the first time in 6 months working Sunday-Sunday? 5 day card!

I probably could pay for someone else's subscription if there was a WG-sanctioned (as in use ryzom.com to credit it, not send the cash to their paypal)system in place for it. Person bribes me with materials or a pocket-healing service of pre-agreed conditions, I pay in 5-10-15-30 day cards.

Would allow people to subscribe with the current system, except you can go on guild chat and say "uh guys.. my sub dies in 3 days and my paycheck is 2 weeks behind (freelancer woes.. sigh)" and score 3x 5day cards. Naturally, anyone who bypasses the Ryzomcard (tm) and goes to cash for mats risks the sanctions any normal MMO would give out for it. LOTS Item Mall games allow the sale of mall items for in-game cash, of course balance goes out the window hence why I don't even MENTION selling items, not even cosmetic. Ours is a slightly different case to say the least =D

(Would be nice to get some official reply on these lines of thought in this thread)
/rant off
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