
Ryzom funds and F2P cost vs benefit.

I don't see the point really, do you really think that this will add more players or more cash to the game?
I dont think so, Ryom is a sandbox with a subscription, once you start messing with these fundamentals, all sort of issues will crop up.

The best industry example of how to do things ( except for monoclegate ) is EVE Online.
Continually improve, expand and perfect the game. Don't forget to focus on the newbie experience.

Note that monoclegate was EVE's attempt to start introducing a cash shop, a big mistake in a single universe sandbox based on subcriptions. The same way it is a mistake to start messing with the way we pay for Ryzom.

If EVE as a hardcore SciFi sandbox can get 400k players, then Ryzom must at least be able to survive and make a profit, purely based on subscriptions.

So focus on the newbie experience. Silan is a very good start, but as mentioned before, once you arrive on the mainland you feel lost. You need missions to guide the players and give them options, improve this and you will retain more players. These missions could give some dappers and xp as rewards, but nothing much. There don't have to be a lot of missions either, just enough to guide the players and give them ideas of what to do next.

The level cap is too high, I would indeed limit it to 75, after which you can pay to advance, how to pay? By subscribing of course.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 21:17:07 UTC

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