
Ryzom funds and F2P cost vs benefit.

Still gotta level them and don't have double exp for it.

But since we're scrying for possibilities....

(shameless copypaste of self with editing)
F2P gets limit to level saaay... 75 or 100 (still same no meks, no houses, and no double exp)... then
* 4 euro to unlock next 5 levels (on all skills) on one character.
* 6 euro to unlock next 10 levels (on all skills) on one character.

* 5 euro to unlock next 5 levels (on all skills) a second character.
* 7.50 euro to unlock next 10 levels (on all skills) a second character.

* 7.50 euro to unlock next 5 levels (on all skills) each extra character.
* 10 euro to unlock next 10 levels (on all skills) each extra character.

How's that look? (Yes balancing against pay to win is a pain lol)... and still limited to 200.
Meaning full f2p is to 100, "donors" or something like that to 200, subscribers lv250 AND their meks and houses.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 22:59:27 UTC

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