
Ryzom funds and F2P cost vs benefit.

So while harvesting my brain came up with this... (Straight to the point then a small tl;dr to explain my point).

For merger solution to the f2p's...
* Pay 5 euro per character (that you don't want reset), keeps skills and gets basic pack.
* Pay 10 euro per character, keeps skills and gets silver pack.. 1 per account.

For longer term solution and financial sustainability of Ryzom:
F2P gets limit to level saaay... 75 or 100... then
* 3 euro to unlock next 5 levels (on all skills) per character.
* 5 euro to unlock next 10 levels (on all skills) per character.
* 15 euro for next 10 levels account-wide.

Can unlock levels all the way to 200. For last 50 haaave to subscribe.
Subscribers are gonna need to get some more fluff to balance it out (double exp is quite sweet already though) like a 4th packer and larger houses. And something mildly overpowered like one +200 focus pickaxe a month.

Why you ask? Microtransaction without falling into the Item Store pay to win. Microtransaction is proooofitable hence why so many otherwise awesome games are being so corrupted. In this case you just unlock levels.

(I've seen pay to win... bigtime... this wouldn't be pay to win, let's please not turn this thread into a flamefest about that)

I understand that many f2p might have the cash but not on a regular enough basis to subscribe. Younger players might be relying on birthdat and christmas cash to pay their gaming.. that kind of scenario. Some folks have PLENTY of cash but 4 kids and very little time (and *leftover cash*) to warrant the monthly fee.

This would allow them to play the game, level at their own pace. And still eventually build up to a considerably skilled character over time. This game IS a lot about longterm anyways.

And of course, Ryzom's finances benefit from the f2p market. Expenses are expenses whichever way we paint it. Ryzom's server and bandwidth providers couldn't care less about "an MMO that retains its purity". ;-) Also, expanding a game like this one isn't as cheap as we'd like to think.

(If this makes sense to you, please refer to your csr, dev, and friends of choice)
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 21:17:06 UTC

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