A New Beginning 2.0

Hi all,

My brother and I played this game for a few months back in 2009. We were thinking about resubbing (P2P) when we got emails about "A New Beginning 2.0" and saw that all servers would be wiped and merged to one server.

After digging around for info a bit it looks like only free players will be wiped and those with subs with keep everything? I suppose this makes sense from the standpoint of catering to those who have been paying Ryzom's bills for the last several years. However, my brother and I have no interest in resubbing and playing again after finding out that it wasn't a full wipe for everyone. Maybe if their were two servers (one for those who elect to keep anything and another for those who are willing to have everything but their name/appearance wiped?) we would be interested.

Just thought the powers that be and the community would like another perspective. :)
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