FreierNot to mention all the so-called updates i seen so far were about pvp, pvp and pvp, so thats about all the devs know to do, everything else is above their skill level.
It has been that way for more than 6 years, Frier -- since before my "father" came to Silan. The developers have always conceived of Ryzom as a PvP game and tried to make that the primary focus. Unfortunately (for them) and fortunately (for what I suspect is most of us who love the game) the player base didn't buy into that. Cooperation (by and large) was more fun and more satisfying. Rather than accept what their community wanted, more PvE content (high in programming effort and art development) the devs have, as you said, worked on trying to get more PvP.
((All my experience is with Arispotle. The above statements may not apply to Leanon and Aniro.))
-- Bittty Mac Od
Yeah, the devs started the push for pvp in early 2005 and the player response was mostly negative.
But to my knowledge, Ryzom was not conceived as a pvp game.
In the original design of David Cohen Corval there was no significant pvp.
In the game manual that came in the box, it was mentioned that outposts are to be taken from NPC factions by force or by diplomacy.
I would cheerfully salute the wipe if they turned Ryzom towards its original concept.