A New Beginning

Ok, I was with this game long ago when it went thru the bankruptcy.
I stuck it out and waited for it to return.
I did not try to get my old character back, I started fresh because I thought in memory of that death of the game I would let my character die too.

After returning I did sub because I thought it best to financially support the game.
If this decision holds to delete all characters and make them go from scratch, I won't be continuing my sub - not because of me as much of as others that have put incredible amounts of time into this game. Whether it was staying online and answering questions or telling someone how to get somewhere or just doing what we all do in mmos - progress. Brother, without progression you don't have an mmo. To see a company not recognize the investment these people put in and the years (sometimes) of their lives invested that they maintain for a fee monthly - who knows what will be done next. One day I'll read that they deleted all the inventory for funsies?

I have another character in a new game that is only weeks old. I would be angry if it were removed and this has only been a few weeks. I do feel it part of what I should do to "stand up for players" by ending my time here too if the company behind the game does not understand the gravity of "deleting" any mmo character.
The only thing companies seem to understand lately is monetary punishment so let it all be done.

Ryzom really died to me all those years ago - I was just hoping it was able to recover. I don't forecast that with tomfoolery like let's just start over guys. No, let's not. We have started over already.
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Last visit viernes 7 junio 09:44:08 UTC

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