A New Beginning

I can deal with a restart. I can deal with the merger of all servers. What I can't deal with is the "DELETE" factor. If a restart and full wipe is necessary, at least let me go out fighting and with honor.

Ryzom has always been a dynamic and ever-changing world. Always been a battle of one sort or another. It's never been easy here and it shouldn't be. If a permanent death of Beepe is necessary, so be it. But don't send me to the next world in my sleep, but with a sword in my hand and standing up, facing death in an honorable manner. Let me die fighting!

The Soul will be back. We have discussed it and decided that what we like most cannot be taken in one fell swipe of someone's keyboard. This is the togetherness of The Soul, the spirit of The Soul, the honor of The Soul.

Wipe us if you must, but let us go out with honor.

Beepe, The Soul

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Last visit Freitag 7 Juni 08:52:36 UTC

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