Oscarian, I believe you are missing the point of our angst and anger. Many of us have played Ryzom since it's very beginnings. We've seen the game through 3 different owners and 2 server shut downs. We've stuck with Ryzom through thick and thin, coming back and again and again when things looked the most dismal, all in hopes of living in our homin skins once more. Now, we're being told, after sticking it out for all this time, that our loyalty has been for naught.
We understand the decision has been made, and if a toon wipe must be done in order for Ryzomto continue to survive, then that's what will happen. We don't, however, have to be happy about it nor do we have to keep quiet when voicing our discontent over the loss of years and years of work.
We understand the decision has been made, and if a toon wipe must be done in order for Ryzomto continue to survive, then that's what will happen. We don't, however, have to be happy about it nor do we have to keep quiet when voicing our discontent over the loss of years and years of work.