Why not go all F2P way? Make buyable armor dyes, new tattoos and haircuts, cosmetic armor designs, mektoub bodypaints / saddle designs, buyable player houses. It worked for other games... it doesn't have to be unbalancing.
Unfortunately, these shops items are not generating a large revenue. It needs to have something more than cosmetics like mounts (that are not killable).
I wanted to suggest to generate revenue from guilds. Like players who wants to enter in a guild must be subscribers and/or pay a small extra sub. Or better, people who want to create a guild will have to pay a one-time or a rental fee.
Unfortunately, these shops items are not generating a large revenue. It needs to have something more than cosmetics like mounts (that are not killable).
I wanted to suggest to generate revenue from guilds. Like players who wants to enter in a guild must be subscribers and/or pay a small extra sub. Or better, people who want to create a guild will have to pay a one-time or a rental fee.