A New Beginning

Shock and anger are the emotions I experienced as well as those of my friends. Some wont come back but I bet many will, many who are posting that they are leaving. Does it suck? Of course it does. The length of time that some have been at this game, makes it more painful to some than others. That being said, they are going to do this. So what to do?
You can rant and be bitter. You can post memories and leave gracefully. Or you can look at this awesome game and awesome community and say I am going to roll up my sleeves stick with it and weather the storm. Everything will be here that was here before. Many people will be returning, that means there will still be a community, the knowledge of where to find those mats, how to best level, what ways are best to kill the mobs. My guild will be mostly coming back and i wouldn’t be surprised to see even those who said they wont come back drop back in. I am just shy of two masters and I have been playing for less than 4 months. I bet even w/o the cats and great gear my guild gave me, I will in a short time get back to where I was. I know how to do it and I will teach those that dont how to as well.
The world can be quite a crappy place And I play the game to get away from it and spend time with my friends. If this is the worst thing that happens to you this year count yourself lucky, many people in the world would love to switch problems with you. Your masters, titles, and rare items are not really that important, its the friendships that make this game.

After hurricane Katrina 7 years ago it was hard to find your friends but we managed. We had no plan or warning. Somehow I think if they are friends, with this much warning you can make plans to find each other in the game. But remember this is just a game of 0's and 1's, the friends are real though. Keep things in perspective.

P.S. I doubt there will be a run on your characters name.

My 2 cents...
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