
A gentle reminder to the players

Seems pretty clear to me.

I'm guessing it's fairly clear to a lot of people. Hence the anger and angst. Whether this works or not, even people that eventually stay are going to have their say for the next couple weeks. There's very little to do in game besides events and chatting with friends at the moment.

The real intent behind the character reset may be a combination of the notification email and the drawn out time for the reset. They've succeeded in drawing old players back into the forum with the weight of the news and may even manage to hook some of them.

I don't think people are going crazy over the server move. Resetting the toons is the thing and, despite what they may say, that's a choice being made by the owners of the game. It's not a technical impossibility or anything much tougher than making the starting packs they're handing out.

Without any real clarification this becomes a major trust issue with a lot of long time players. It would help to at least be straight with these people that have paid to keep the game going for years.
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Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 07:54:40 UTC

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