A New Beginning

This is really bad news. For me it means that I will most likely stop playing Ryzom at all. Made some friends here, but I can keep the contact alive with mail and messangers, too.

Please think it over again, deleting all chars is the worst you can do. You destroy everything with this action.

Why not merge accounts to one server? I'm sure if one really wants, this must be possible. Name conflicts could also be solved, e.g., the oldest char can keep it's name and the others must choose a new name. That would be a solution everyone could live with.

Well I still hope that you will change your mind.

If not: I suggest as many subbed players as possible should cancel their subscription now in order to show their disagreement. Maybe this could be a signal to them and make them change their mind? If they delete all chars, it will be the beginning of Ryzom's end.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 08:25:42 UTC

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