A New Beginning

I think the biggest issue people face is not so much the fact of starting over from scratch, but the fact that if things are so dire as to need such a desperate action then the future looks very bleak and it would seem a waste of time starting over if it's unlikely to have much of a future

That and the fact that many long term players simply don't have the time they used to have years ago so have no hope of regaining what they lost anyway

I see the point that the community is what makes the game special and some of that community may remain for whatever time Ryzom has left, but that doesn't provide any incentive to invest any serious grinding time into a game who's days seem to be numbered, and it's not much of a game if you're just bumbling around aimlessly with no real commitment.

In fact I think the community aspect will be damaged somewhat by the merger - playing on a server with people you have no way of communticating with produces its own set of issues which I'm only too familiar with having played a primarily Korean MMO in the past

It's a sad state of affairs, but I believe Ryzom's glory days are long gone if this is the only way forward
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