A New Beginning

Wiped or not wiped the world will be here for whoever wants to keep it alive

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.

Where are you keeping that history? In your appartment? In your armor? In your mektoub? The history of a MMO is inside the people's minds imho.

If you keep it just in your mind, in private, it doesn't matter to the world, just to you. But the histories on three servers differ. Who won the temple wars? Is Dexton alive or not? Was there a war between Matis and Fyros? Who saw Muang, and where? What has Salazar done, if he did anything at all, as a Filiria? Who the hell is Salazar, by the way? We wrote the history of three worlds to have it thrown away, for it does not fit in one.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
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