A New Beginning

it has been years since my last post since i had decide not to participate any more in the forums for my own reasons.

*clap* clap* clap*

i am not going to talk about other people points of view but i have the feeling that most of the above posts have more or less cover my point of view.

the only thing i have to say is the way i personally feel.
i feel being used. why? very simple. since the game return back after a year's of absence i have keep paying my account event though when i wasnt playing just to support the game the way i could in order to keep ''my love'' alive. its less than 3 months i decided to come back and finish of my crafts.i m pretty sure i m not the only person who keeps paying but not playing just to support the game and the community as a whole.

ofcource i m not planning to return back with a pay account and the reason is not because i dont want to but because you simple dont worth my trust to do so. all this time players who have been playing for years have been used because they have been usefull to you. now seems we are not any more usefull so you just through away the paper and flash the toilet. your actions just prove that you actuallly dont want me any further in the game therefore i m not going to stay somewhere when others dont want me to be.

even if i had decide to stay why should i do that? just give me one only good reason that i have to stay other than giving money to you.
how can i trust tou and start over again? how do i know that in a year or two of paying you, you wont do the same again because things didnt come the way you had them in your mind and you decide that a fresh start is needed?

the only way i would resub is to give me a free sub till i reach all the levels i have gotten till now so i can play for free til i die because for sure i m not to put again the effort of almost 8 years once more
i dont have the time to do that anymore and most important i dont want to support people who treat others like trash.

have been fed up with stupid excuses from you all these years. you keep trying make things better with non stop lies in order to be able to keep the cash and you dont have the guts to come out and just for once speak the truth.

i would rather have known that the game cannot run any more like it happened on 2008. at least... i could still dream that it could one day revive again like it did at 2009 when you bought it. Funny thing no accounts were lost even from a year absence back then but its going to happen now. funny thing that the people who saved the game back then decided to murder it today.

like i say... if the time has come to go .... go now not tomorrow ....and thats tha case with you.

so this is my farewell to all my friends, enemies and to a company that dont give a ***** about us
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