A New Beginning

Clearly I don't know how many players will leave but I fear many will, and most probably many long term players. And many other old players won't come back as they used to during the time I could observe life in Ryzom. I fear the losses will outweigh the savings of closing the servers leading to a final shutdown.

I have suggested a procedure where everybody starts at Silan from scratch, but gets her data restored manually by a CSR after a while, e.g. after having done all city welcomer missions in all capitals. That would keep the workload of manual transfers at bay, and players would have an incentive to play and get back their old status they have struggled and suffered for.

This would, in addition, end the paralysis of activities on the still existing servers which can be observed now as a consequence of the announcement. As leveling has become senseless, many, including me to a wide extent, stopped most of their activities.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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