A New Beginning

Daomei (Leanon)
Artemisfowl, situation on Leanon is similar as on Aniro and here. Already a majority of old players did announce not to reconnect while a few will.

On the forums yes. But the longer I was ingame, the longer I talked to people privately and on Teamspeak, more and more went from "No way" to "I'll have a look". Let the first wave of anger wash over the forums. After two weeks when we hoepfully got more informations and when the first rage is over, we will see who will be there and who not. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is a good idea. But there are many who - after the anger which is the baddest advisor one can get - think about it and many come to the conclusion that we can do it.
But well, that's no reason to drop the resistance or stop telling the Devs that the reset is not the best idea they had.

I play since 7.5 years, I invested nearly 560 days of gaming time in my toon. I will continue playing together with my guild and I'm looking forward to meet many new people. With or without my levels and gear.


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