A New Beginning

I think you got the wrong idea, they're not resetting it all because of "technical difficulties", any software engineer freshly out of any college would solve this in less than 50 lines of script code. Hell I could do that in 1-2 hours tops (and not bragging one bit, I think more competent script writers would be done in 20 minutes).

The reason they wipe all is because they "feel" that the entrenched old timers guilds have too much power, which scares off some newcomers that just want to make a name for themselves. Look at all the "new" guilds that have come and died before gaining any traction because the old guilds had much more to offer (including above all a lot of nice and helpful old timers that would bend over backwards to help newer players).

I think they just want to bet on new players rather than on the ones that have been around forever. Sad and misguided, but the pretense of "technical difficulties" is utterly laughable (which is why they will never tell *what* these difficulties might really be about).


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