A New Beginning

- More players playing together makes the world feel more alive and entertaining!

So your fantastic idea is to anger your loyal veteran players who've worked SO hard at gaining their skills and items, by erasing their character data, ultimately causing them to leave Ryzom permanently.. And somehow that translates to "more players playing together?"

We investigated the possibilities of keeping the characters, but we encountered some very difficult technical issues that make this impossible.

Translation: It looked like more work than we felt like doing, so we didn't try. We will simply deem this task "impossible" and hopefully our players don't remember that character data HAS been retained during previous server mergers.

Our players have invested many many hours in their characters, their armor and their guild. It will not be easy to say goodbye to those things.

Obviously, it will be much easier for you to say goodbye to those players.

What we do know is that when we ask our players what they all love more than other MMORPGs they tell us it is the unique Ryzom community. Our players are perhaps more mature than average and make the game very friendly and nice to play.

But you don't care enough about them to find a way to save their character data. You'll cause those friendly, mature players to quit playing in frustration caused by the reset. Perhaps then, you'll find a small handful of new fresh players who will not have the opportunity to be influenced by the mature veteran community because they've quit playing. You realize the community is the best part of Ryzom, yet you plan to destroy it. Brilliant!

We really think our community will accept this move to help us achieve an even better and more fun Ryzom world.

You've completely lost your mind. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 18:15:25 UTC

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