A New Beginning

Just saw this post and I'm thoroughly disheartened, disillusioned and disappointed. I've spent 6.5 years developing my toons on Aris, including being instrumental in the institution of a previous un-installed player government. All of my masters were hard won, and my titles all for naught. I've been sporadic in my subbing habits due to financial issues over the years, but knowing Aeralin was always there to return to kept me coming back. Now, I'm not sure what I'll do. Atys and Ryzom have been home for so many, many years, but I doubt I'll feel the same now.

While I understand that you'd not be putting forth such an edict without reason, it wounds the veteran player in me deeply to hear that all of our collective work on Atys over the years will be for nothing at all.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 18:15:33 UTC

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