A New Beginning

Hello all.

It's a sad day for me to come back to read these news.
I'm not sure if i continue to sub the game. Actually if I think all the long time spent here to gain my masters my reaction is not to resub. Anyway my yearly sub lasts in december, so i have time to decide.

I think it was a hard decision from the devs and I'm sure they are not happy same as most of us, considering they don't know if this decision will really bring new life to Atys.

I hope for the best, still I can't believe my character will die soon.

Anyway, i wish to thank all the players I have met that contributed to my fun, all the old and former members of Legion of Atys, all the csr for their hard job, despite some mistake, and obviously, the devs.
I was one of the players that often criticized (but also welcomed) the devs decisions in the past, but I consider myself a true lover of Ryzom, and I am.

I can't name all the people i met in 8 years, but i wish the best for all of them.

Thank you all. Maybe I will be back.


Legion of Atys
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