A New Beginning

I have a couple of questions.
Paying players are going to get 2X exp that F2P players get
but is that paying players gettng 2X current exp or F2P getting 50% of current exp?
Its a big difference, if 2X current for paying players then getting master skills will be a lot easier than now.

I'm not sure what Winchgate has in mind but I'm pretty sure it is 2X current experience rates.
Achievement System? -- any details of exactly what that will be?

I think it was mentioned but this was one of our (Ryzom Core) Summer of Code students. You can see his status reports here:
His actual source code here:
And his blog, which contains some screenshots, here:

I talk about this and other Summer of Code projects at their mid-term on the Ryzom Core developer blog:

Are all the other game elements going to be ingame as they are now -- skills, occupations,
adv occupations, fame system, faction points, encyclopedia, missions, etc.... ?

I believe this is true as this is all static level design data and isn't subject to the same "merger" challenges imposed by the code.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 14:16:57 UTC

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