A New Beginning

Yesterday we had a great event hunting Kitins. I never saw so much Homins working together, players having fun.
I decided yesterday night I would finally subscribe my alt. I won't, I will unsubscribe my main now.

There is just so much wrong with the reasons stated for deleting characters I hardly know where to start. With the danger of being long winded I will tell about my experience as a newbie on this game (I've only playing less that 6 months)

When I got to ML (Yrkanis) I immediately met some vets (masters in lots and lots) They helped me, with gear, but most of all with advice and just showing me about.
I fianlly ended up joing the guild of one of those first people I met in Yrkanis. It was nice to get help from veteran players like that. They showed me a lot of wonders of Atys in those first few days and set me a good example. (These are the players you will lose) Getting levels was never about competition for me. I just wanted to be able to help other new players like that. (and yes having lvls helps!)
Competition? You don't know what you are talking about. I have never seen such a community before. The vets aren't competition but inspriration.Now I nearly have my first master (healing) and you say you are going to wipe my character?

I feel betrayed. Knifed in the back.

The message you send out is:
a) we don't care about our veteran(paying!!) players
b) we wiped your chars once, we will do it again. Terrible precedent. Bye bye community TRUST.

The technical difficulty argument reads like: THDT (too hard didn't try)
Well maybe it will be an investment, but you stand a whole lot more to lose if you don't. Not so hard to make a business case on this one.

As you can see you have already drawn the IRE of your community. I had a good time here, I feel like I still had a lot to discover but I will cancel my subscription if you continue to show disdain for you players. I give you till next friday.


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