A New Beginning


I agree to much you write, but please consider that the devs are acting out of desperation rather the fun or deliberation. I think that the decision to merge is correct though painful, same with losing beasts, apts, guilds, items.

Losing skill levels, occ grads, and titles like elder, guardian etc. is a grave misconception, and likely to kill the game. That is the message we have to spread, and the devs and owners of Winchgate would be wise to listen.

We should look for a middle way. Achieving the goal to attract new players without driving away old players.

A path could be to give back the achievements, but not immediately. Everybody had to pass Silan. reach a capital, venture for all 4 continents. Afterwards. missions would be offered to regain the old skills, in magic, combat, crafting, and harvesting, and occupations as well. Even if it would take weeks to regain old levels, that might be fun and invite cooperation as well as competition. Any "old char" might be offered that. Inconvenient, yet a challenge. I do not see many would complain.

Good idea would be to remove the strict barrier between sub and f2p. Any former or elapsed sub should be allowed to do f2p, with the limitations it brings as no packers (former greyed out), apt storage (greyed out) and gl and ho privileges (revoked). An f2p paying sub for a mth should be able to go f2p afterwards and so on. That might speel more incentive to sub and more turnover.

If money is lacking urgently and recently, please communicate the situation to the playerhood and ask for crowdfunding. Many love Ryzom deeply and are willing to help in case of emergency.

Devs and Admins, you are on a wrong and suicidal path. Kindly rethink and take action.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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