A New Beginning

I think it is a reaction out of desperation. There were a couple of attempts to increase the playerbase, without too much success. Now they are running out of money, and have to do something. Reducing the number of servers is comprehensible.

Possibly somebody had the "bright" idea that the lots of old seasoned players abhor new ones to start a career. While that may have some point, sometimes, I think it is a grave misconception. Without experienced players who helped me with advice, and sometimes equip (note I never accepted a single dapper from anybody), I would not have managed to progress in the way I did. Though I seldom accepted outside help, I won 18 master levels (all eco, jools, light armour, dagger, and off ele) in 19 months, and completed all occupations, basic and extended.

Different to others, I won't quit. My sub runs til Jan, that of my alt til August. If Ryzom survives til Jan, I'll renew for half a year. But I won't grind anymore as I do not see a future or perspective for Ryzom. Sadly.


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