A New Beginning

There can't be a technical reason why they can't transfer the characters because it's been done twice before. But if they don't/can't do it that way perhaps they can at least pull a record of all characters. Once the new server is up they would only need to wait for players to request they're levels back. The CSR's can check the players database records which will tell them what trees to boost to what level.

Boosting doesn't require anything specific to happen, it can be done in game face-to-face and is instant.
Because the population is so low it shouldn't keep the CSR's too busy after the first couple of weeks to full-fill most of the initial requests. After that I'm sure it will only be a slow trickle of old players occasionally making a requests.

I did the re-roll thing at beta, I did it again at Cho, there won't be any more reinvigorating experiences that I haven't all ready had since early 2004, the game isn't about levelling for me any more.

I know mine is an extreme case, but there are plenty of other players that have put a lot of time into just the levelling side, that won't want to do it again.

Please make a record of the databases and boost players on request...



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