A New Beginning

Btw, in the Leanon forums one of the moderators posted that the characters will be reset/wiped, but their looks, race, and the name will move over to the new server.
So at least no one looses his/her character name and exact looks.

I sure hope that I can keep some of the presents I got from crafters, the fireworks I got during the marriage in Matia (on Leanon), or some mission mats that I dug just to decorate my appartement's inventory, or or or.... - And I'm only a low level char at <60. Still it took me more than a year to get there.

On the other hand I also hope that the devs will not go through with their plan to hand over special stuff like the "Marauder Q200 armour" if you're doing something or other now on the old servers. That's again an inflation of some other sorts. People are supposed to work hard for that on the new servers. If you want incentive, then invent a few new items, similar to the flowers and eggs. Unique stuff that only folks surviving the migration will get. Titles even!

Let's hope the devs will change their minds about the xp & item wipe because I also fear that we'll see a drop in payed subscriptions. The danger is that this drop will come slowly: People may change their subscription settings only when a re-sub is due. So the true quality of result of this wipe decision won't be visible immediately.

Those who do consider leaving, I can only encourage to think about this: What's really causing you to have fun in Ryzom? If it's more the people than the levels, then the game is still good for you. I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of folks I've silently read in the forums but never could meet on a server (not enough time for a server twink). And I'm looking forward in huge treks of low level folks while we're all trying to rediscover the world with the limited abilities we have at the start.

Ryzom is capable of hosting a hundred players on a battlefield. Let's make the first treks of level 30 players a mass-trek. Let's do a big announcement, a big congregation, and try to get through with the mass of low-hit-point folks that we'll all be.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 10:20:28 UTC

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